Gaming in 2009: Remembering The Best Games from 10 Years Ago

by Justin Carlo Estor / March 15, 2019


Gaming in 2009 was an interesting time. It saw the birth of many game concepts from Japanese game developers creating the ‘hardcore’ difficulty genre, the well-loved free-to-play games, sensational sequels, as well as beautiful games that defied the test of time.

In this article, we take a trip of nostalgia and explore the games we all know and love 10 years ago from our youth:

Demon Souls

I’ve seen this place more than 10 times in one sitting.

Everybody thought they were a total badass gamer, until they played Demon Souls. Ask anyone who’s played the game or its many variations (Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro) throughout the years and they’ll fondly remember the game with both frustration and fulfillment. Dubbed as one of the most rewarding and challenging games to hit the PS3 – Japanese game developer, FromSoftware, taught us how to accept the inevitable:


More than once, in fact. Probably more than you ever died in any of the previous games you played…. combined.

It taught players to learn from their mistakes and be more strategic with their next steps. Because when you die, your items disappear with you. Unless you trace back to the place where you died and get your items back — where you’ll find the same thing that killed you in the first place.

Assassin’s Creed II

Way better than history class (and way less factual)

Not many sequels were made beautifully as Assassin’s Creed II which breathtakingly reconstructed Renaissance Italy and introduced us one of the most charismatic characters in Ezio Auditore. The mechanics were a BIG step forward from the first game and catapulted Ubisoft’s novel take on historical fiction to greater fame.

People still love the blend of intrigue involving alien technology and famous historical figures plus some of the the most detailed open world experiences. Assassin’s Creed has endured util today with fresh new entries to the franchise like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Batman: Arkham Asylum

The classic batman look – only grittier and less nipples!

Hailed as 2009’s Game of The Year, Batman: Arkham Asylum gave us one of the best, if not the best comic book video game of all time. The game treated fans to an easy-to-play, yet enjoyable combat system, all while telling a Batman story that felt authentic enough that newer Batman fans might think it was ripped straight from the comic book pages.

Left 4 Dead 2

Your local internet cafe misses you.

No zombie game has come close to replicating the thrilling multiplayer experience that is Left 4 Dead 2. The first game proved to be an enjoyable game. What the sequel offered was an extension of what made people love the game in the first place: the gameplay with the addition of the added value of content.

It introduced new weapons, new characters, new zombies, and new story campaigns. All of which is what fans requested. The game may not be played as much today but fans are still aching for a third installment after all these years.

UPDATE: Sources say that the game devs of Left 4 Dead 2 are developing a spiritual successor of the game called “Back 4 Blood”

League of Legends


DoTA 2 met its match with the rise of League of Legends as one of the most popular games in The Philippines. Some people complained about DoTa 2’s tedious recipe system and punishing gold drop upon death.
League of Legends (shortened as LoL) appealed to players who prefer a faster paced and more streamlined MOBA experience.

Furthermore, LoL gave birth to one of the popular esports leagues with around 240 millions of hours viewed on average in 2018, beating out both DoTA 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive.


You won’t even notice that 8 hours already passed.

This is a game designed to have never-ending appeal. Minecraft has seen countless iterations of itself through the years, starting with the PC, then becoming available on consoles and mobile/pocket platforms.

The game is actually simple: you build stuff, kill a few monsters, live your life. And yet, it’s this simplicity that makes this game something you can replay forever. An endless number of mods lets players go crazy with their imagination.

It’s a non-stressful game that can be also an outlet for both design enthusiasts and people who just want to goof around.

2009 was truly a time of epic games – the list could go longer. Some of the other games that came out during that year were Uncharted 2, Borderlands, and Dragon Age: Origins. All of which were games that made an impact on every gamer today. It’s a fun and nostalgic experience remembering the games that laid out the foundation of the games we play today. Some could argue that Minecraft inspired Fortnite while Left 4 Dead 2 gave zombie campaigns for shooters. All of the games mentioned are actually still enjoyable until today.

Know any more games from 2009 that left an impact for you? Comment below and don’t forget to like and follow How To 101 on Facebook for your daily dose of know-how.


Gaming in 2009: Remembering The Best Games from 10 Years Ago

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