Time Medical now in PH for advanced, accessible and affordable medical imaging

by Ralph Hernandez / September 15, 2023


Time Medical, a US healthcare technology company, has officially opened its doors in the Philippines “to make advanced and affordable medical imaging accessible to Filipinos,” the company announced in a release.

Time Medical said the number of MRIs in the Philippines per million is only 1, citing a report by the National University Hospital in Singapore. Compared to its neighboring countries, the ratio in Thailand is 3.2, Vietnam is 2.7 and Singapore is 16.8.

“Our studies revealed that the current healthcare system faces challenges relating to financial and infrastructure. These hinder Filipinos from getting the help they require but can be remedied with the right technologies. Time Medical has innovative products and over 250 medical patents that can help deliver advanced healthcare performance at a more affordable cost for local hospitals and clinics,” said Time Medical Philippines President Joyce Socao.

Time Medical’s flagship product PICA, a permanent 0.35T whole body MRI system | Image source: Time Medical

Among the advanced MRI products that Time Medical is making available in the Philippines is its flagship product PICA. It is a “permanent 0.35T whole body MRI system with an open architecture, an advanced hardware platform and leading-edge clinical applications to achieve image quality comparable to a 1.5T system.”

Time Medical claims that PICA is recognized in the industry as “one of the most cost-effective whole body MRI without compromising patient comfort and scan time.” Another pioneering equipment from Time Medical is NEONA, which the company described as the world’s first dedicated system for neonatal MRI.

Aside from bringing to the country advanced yet affordable MRI services, Time Medical said it also aims to contribute to the Philippines’ manufacturing sector and collaborate with the government in the long term.

“We want to grow Time Medical’s footprint by having our own facilities here. We can develop some of our products here, create job opportunities for local talent, and even export to ASEAN countries. We also hope to work with the national and local governments, and the private sector to find more opportunities to reach the underserved communities,” Socao said.

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Time Medical now in PH for advanced, accessible and affordable medical imaging

Obet Pagdanganan, Time Medical Philippines director, Joyce Socao, Time Medical Philippines president and CEO, and Ravindan Govindan, Time Medical Group CEO for Asia Pacific, led the ribbon cutting ceremony. | Image source: Time Medical Philippines

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