The universe has spoken: how tarot reading can inspire and empower you

by Nina Tambal / October 5, 2020


Tarot reading. In the Philippines, some may refer to it as controversial and dangerous, and even related to dark magic. For some, it is a way to look into or predict someone’s future.

These misconceptions have been brought about by narratives in movies and pop culture. And it’s easy to get caught up in these stories of sensationalized power that a deck of tarot cards hold.

Local podcast, B2B: Breakfast to Business delved deep into the topic of clairvoyance and matters of the universe with host Bea Lim and her guest, tarot reader Mayrs Guico, also known as The High Priestess on social media. Mayrs began her journey with tarot reading back in 2015, studying about the practice on her own and easily getting absorbed in the craft. So, when the pandemic hit and the nation was placed under lockdown, she decided to open her own tarot reading account on Instagram to “spread light and cater to many seekers around the world”.


So, what are tarot cards and what is tarot reading?

At a first glance, tarot cards look like simple cards with colorful images. But when spread and laid out on the table with the right guide or mystic, it tells a story. Symbolism is also an important factor here. Each card or set of cards, depending on what comes out during a reading, relays a different story. Stories that reflect not only our everyday lives, but also our spiritual beliefs. Thus, it allows us to tap into our inner wisdom and see the lessons we need to learn in connection to our present.

As the episode goes on, the discussion smoothly flows. Listeners get to know the difference between clairvoyance, claircognizant, and even clairsentient, plus its important role in tarot reading, as well as how tarot reading can actually help during challenging times and in making tough decisions.

“All of us at some point in our lives, whenever we’re faced with a decision that is really hard for us, I feel like deep inside our soul, we already know how we’re going to perceive it or how we’re gonna do it. It’s just that we need a little bit of grounding in terms of really reflecting [on it],” Mayrs said regarding difficult situations. She goes on to share that tarot reading can serve as therapy and a source of comfort when going through dark times.

In turn, Bea echoed, “It’s listening in. You already know it. Like what you said, deep down, you know the answer. But you kind of need another push. You need another nudge, right? Or a reminder. It’s like your best friend.”

When the conversation segued to the stigmas around tarot reading, Mayrs was quick to enumerate the most popular ones. First is mistaking the practice as a guaranteed channel to foresee your future, second is associating it with demonic matters, and third is assuming that a tarot reader must be psychic.

“If you look at [tarot reading] really really well, you can see that it is actually a tool that you can use to empower yourself and have an insight on what you can do [to envision] and create your own future,” Mayrs asserted, after firmly stating that tarot reading is not the work of the devil. “We’re all psychic. All of us have the opportunity to be psychic.”

@jentheodore |
Image Source: @jentheodore |

Of course, a tarot special won’t be complete without an insightful tarot reading session. Bea had questions regarding various aspects that are currently affecting the Filipino people, from businesses and the Philippine economy to relationships and self-care. To which Mayrs gladly answered through the cards with her.

Pro-tip for anyone who intends to ask questions during a tarot reading session: be specific and detailed about what you want to know and don’t make it too open-ended. That way, the message you receive will resonate better with whatever situation you are dealing with.

Know more about the universe’s message for the nation regarding the aforementioned matters and other things like sense of community, relationships, and even TeamAsia by catching the latest B2B: Breakfast to Business episode. Listen to the craft of tarot reading inspire and empower you by diving into Bea and Mayrs’ full conversation via the TeamAsia website, YouTube, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.

Still want more talks on the future? Here’s the second half of Bea’s two-part special with The High Priestess! Kickstart your week every Monday by tuning in to B2B: Breakfast to Business for more refreshing discussions while you have your first cup of coffee.

Read also:


The universe has spoken: how tarot reading can inspire and empower you

Image Source: @vivalunastudios |

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