The flight to recovery continues: JAL expands network plan until January 2022

by Elton Gagni / September 28, 2021


The world is slowly showing signs of recovery from the pandemic as the number of those vaccinated continues to grow everyday. As of September 27, 2021, more than 6.13 billion vaccine doses have already been administered globally. Portugal, United Arab Emirates, Malta, Singapore and Qatar are the top countries when it comes to the percentage of fully vaccinated citizens.

As such, economies are also opening up and this includes the gradual reopening of travel, especially for countries that have an effective pandemic response whether it is vaccination efforts or the test-trace-treat scheme.

Japan Airlines (JAL) is among the carriers across the globe that are resuming operations. With the positive development in the fight against COVID-19, JAL recently announced additional revisions to its international network plans between October 1-30 2021 while also increasing the number of flights to North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and Sydney from October 31, 2021 to January 31, 2022. Flights to Melbourne, East Asia, Hawaii and Guam also saw an increase from October 31 to November 30, 2021.

The carrier had shared that it will continue to review travel restrictions within each destination and update its international network plan.

Apart from flight, JAL is also extending the availability of its COVID benefits, which covers medical, testing, and isolation expenses for those who test positive for the new coronavirus infection while traveling. The JAL Covid-19 Cover, which was launched as part of its JAL FlySafe Program, is once again extended from September 2021 to January 10, 2022. The carrier will continue to provide its customers with full support for customers for a safe and secure travel experience.

Read also: Japan Airlines now offers COVID-19 coverage for international passengers

Below are the adjustments made by JAL in their network plan:

Additional and Extra Flights for October 1-30, 2021

Schedule 1

Extra Flights for October 31, 2021 – January 31, 2022

Schedule 2

International Network Plan

Schedule 3
*Excluding Melbourne, East Asia, Hawaii, and Guam routes which have yet to be announced.

JAL remains in contact with various governments to ensure that it is able to deliver on its flight schedules and also ensure the safety and security of its passengers. For more details, visit the Japan Airlines official website.

Read also


The flight to recovery continues: JAL expands network plan until January 2022

Image source: Denisse Leon |

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