PMCC (4th Watch) vows to strengthen and expand church as it celebrates fifth decade

by John Joseph Basijan / September 5, 2023


The Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) marked its fifth decade of spreading the Gospel throughout the world with a grand display of thanksgiving and celebration at the New Clark City Athletics Stadium last August 27.

PMCC (4th Watch) looked back on its roots and expressed hopes for a brighter future through an eight-hour series of worship, cultural presentations, performances, and a grand fireworks display.

Over 42,000 attendees, composed of both local members and representatives from their churches around the world, braved the rain to join the church’s grand celebration with the theme “Celebrating the Past, Fortifying the Present, Expanding the Future.”

Bishop Jonathan Ferriol, Chairman of Task Force Gold for PMCC (4th Watch)’s Golden Anniversary celebration, formally took his oath as the newly appointed Deputy Executive Minister to the Apostle Arsenio Ferriol.

Bishop Ferriol expressed humility and resolve in serving the church alongside their Chief Executive Minister.

“As we enter our fifth decade, our brethren can expect a renewed vigor in carrying out our mission of championing Jesus’s command: to spread the message of the Gospel, with a voice loud and clear. Serving as the Deputy to our Apostle comes with heavy responsibilities, but as Jesus Christ Himself reassures, no burden is too heavy if you surrender them to Him,” he said.

Bishop Jonathan Ferriol formally took his oath as the Deputy Executive Minister in a solemn ceremony during the PMCC (4th Watch)’s Golden Anniversary celebration. | Image Source: PMCC (4th Watch)

Members of Congress, including Senators Bong Go, Raffy Tulfo, and Robinhood Padilla joined the stage to present a Senate Resolution recognizing PMCC (4th Watch) on this milestone. 

Senate Resolution no. 719, which was adopted during the plenary session last August 23, was co-authored by Senators Cynthia Villar, Bong Go, Imee Marcos, and Nancy Binay and was co-sponsored by Senators Chiz Escudero, JV Ejercito, and Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri.

“Our doors have always been open to serve with our government officials as we share the common goal of improving the lives of our fellow Filipinos,” said Bishop Ferriol. “We believe that the firm foundation of Christ’s faithful servants is deeply rooted in nation-building, and our government officials are our partners in addressing the needs of our people, be it physical or spiritual.”

Asia’s Got Talent Season 1 grand winner and shadow play group El Gamma Penumbra also graced the stage with a creative interpretation of the church’s rich history throughout the decades. Representatives from PMCC (4th Watch)’s global churches paraded in their national costumes, accompanied by percussion from the Buganda Drum Beaters.

The momentous event was the culmination of PMCC (4th Watch)’s commemoration of its 50th year. This year, the church conducted a series of outreach activities in the Philippines and around the world in anticipation of the grand celebration. PMCC (4th Watch) has also been conducting Global and Healing Prayer Crusades attended in person and virtually by thousands of their followers.

Fourth Watchers estimated at over 42,000 were undeterred by the relentless rain as they celebrated PMCC (4th Watch)’s 50th anniversary at the New Clark City Athletics Stadium. | Photo: John Joseph Basijan

PMCC (4th Watch) traces its roots to the divine calling received by Apostle Ferriol as an apostle in the End-Time. The church regards Apostle Ferriol as the Goodman of the House prophesied in Matthew 24:43, and anointed with the revelation on the times and seasons of the Second Coming of Christ.

As the church looks forward to its future, PMCC (4th Watch) will remain steadfast in its commitment to spread the Gospel in all corners of the world, said Bishop Ferriol. “We welcome our 50th year with humility and thanksgiving, and we are reminded of our responsibility to exemplify the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Just as He dedicated His life to selflessly caring for others, our brethren at PMCC (4th Watch) will continue striving to replicate His life of compassion, empathy, and selflessness.”

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PMCC (4th Watch) vows to strengthen and expand church as it celebrates fifth decade

The Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch)’s Golden Anniversary Celebration was marked with a series of grand worship and communion. | Image Source: PMCC (4th Watch)

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