Making art to create a hopeful nation

Shell’s 53rd National Student Arts Competition promotes hope and resilience

by Althea Kalalo / September 3, 2020


As the country’s health crisis weighs heavily on people’s minds, having a source of hope becomes more and more essential. People seek hope in different ways, and one way to do so is through the various forms of art.

Art can be a way to cope with the daily isolation and stress, whether it be through online community events or personal projects to express one’s emotions about the ‘now normal.’ It also helps people channel their skills and imagination into a healthy, creative process. To further promote art as an instrument of hope and inspiration, Shell recently launched the 53rd Shell National Students Art Competition (NSAC).

NSAC, one of the Philippines’ longest-running student art competitions, is once again calling on college student artists from all over the country to showcase their talents through various mediums. This year’s theme is “Hope in our art,” which focuses on how today’s young artists can ignite their creativity, bring hope, and show resilience amidst the adversaries that the country is battling.


“Art can inspire creativity, provoke thought, and empower people to make a change — that is how it gives hope,” said Pilipinas Shell Vice President for External and Government Relations Serge Bernal. “Young artists often have fresh perspectives and an untarnished kind of idealism. We believe that they can influence the country towards a better and brighter future. Shell continues to invest in programs that promote social development because we believe in the power of the Filipino youth.”

Students can submit entries in the form of an oil/acrylic painting, a watercolor painting, a sculpture, or digital art. The NSAC is open for entries until October 11, 2020, and all submissions will be done digitally. Winning contestants will be awarded with cash prizes, medals, and plaques, with the 3rd placer receiving Php 30,000, the 2nd placer receiving Php 40,000, and the 1st placer receiving Php 60,000.

Shell will also provide the NSAC winners with new innovative platforms to unveil their talents while inspiring fellow Filipinos. Though numerous galleries and museums have temporarily closed their doors all over the world, the visual artwork created in the 53rd NSAC will be highlighted in digital displays and promoted to different online communities.

Shell’s NSAC has been instrumental to the growth of thousands of artists. These artists include abstract artist and National Artist of the Philippines awardee Jose Joya, expressionist painter Ang Kiukok, applied sculpture practitioner Leeroy New, and realistic oil painter Ivan Roxas. With the challenges that COVID-19 brings to the art industry, NSAC hopes to show that there are still opportunities for art to thrive, even now.

“Art is needed now more than ever, and we will see to it that it continues. It is crucial to acknowledge the industry’s struggles, amplify artists’ voices, and support them now during this time,” said Bernal. “By providing a wider platform for Filipino artists, curators, and collectors, we are giving the next-generation art sector a better chance to thrive. The young artists who emerge from them will be the first to lead us to a brighter tomorrow.”


Making art to create a hopeful nation

Image source: @steve_j |

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