Into the world of tarot: Experiencing a different form of spirituality

by Nina Tambal / January 5, 2021


There’s something about the beginning of a new year that makes us reflective and hopeful. Whether it’s a clean slate or a simple do-over, we can’t help but look forward to what the year ahead has in store for us.

As human beings, we are, by no means, able to tell what our future holds. In most cases (would have been great to be given a head’s up about a deadly virus), that is a good thing. It tells us that we are meant to live in the now. That the present moment is what we can control and make the most of. And that is one of the many lessons tarot reading has taught us at The Red Circle.

Last October, we touched on the subject of tarot reading and how it can inspire and empower you. We gave the rundown on the basics of the craft with the help of tarot reader, Marys Guico.

So, what makes this article different from the last? It is the firsthand experience that one of our writers had with tarot reading and how it changed her for the better.

OMG Its Yeshi
@omgitsyeshi |

Like most of the general Filipino population, our writer had a certain prejudice about tarot reading. It wasn’t strong loathing or shunning. It was more of a fear that the craft is rooted in works of the devil (being raised in a Catholic home doesn’t help with this either). But the moment Marys revealed that she actually prays for guidance to God and the angels before doing the tarot reading sessions, any sort of stigma disappeared.

Our writer booked her first general reading session and it was not what she expected at all. Although it was overwhelming to take all the information and insights in, the experience was refreshing. It helped her listen to her inner voice. It made her feel lighter and reassured about certain aspects of her life. Aspects that were relevant and directly impacted her happiness (hint: mostly career and people involved in it; she’s not too keen on anything related to the love department).

This compelled her to book another general reading session. It was even better and brought more clarity to her soul and inner guidance. She can’t pinpoint what it exactly is, but there was something about the way that Marys handled sessions and relayed spiritual messages that instantly made her feel empowered and cherished by the universe. Furthermore, the experience was therapeutic.

Soulful Stock
@soulfulstock |

With a few more sessions, namely another general as well as a past life and a love (can you believe?) reading, our writer decided to engage in tarot reading sessions on a regular basis. More importantly, she gained valuable life lessons from each session.

General readings encouraged her to look within and get in touch with her spirituality. A matter that certainly does not equate to blindly following or idolizing a prominent figure no matter the damage or consequences. For spirituality is deep and meaningful. It is rooted in kindness and the greater good.

The past life reading taught her that whatever lifetime you are living in, it will never be perfect. It will never be a walk in the park or a wonderland filled with rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns. Because it is an adventure with plenty of highs and lows. It is a journey that brings surprises, whether pleasant or uncomfortable, beautiful or ugly. It is the one big opportunity you can never take back. And it is your duty to appreciate what you already have and savor every waking moment as if it’s your last. To follow what your heart and spirit is set on fulfilling without any regrets.

The love reading reminded her that balance is needed in order to truly live a full life. That it’s not just about stability, hustling, and getting that bread. Sometimes, it’s about being open to the possibility of someone caring for your wellbeing besides yourself, of allowing your walls to come down with a person that matters, of being committed to an individual who’s crazy about you just as you are about them.

Most of all, she learned that you are in charge of your fate or your destiny, whether you believe in such a concept or not. You are capable of building your own reality that serves not only yourself, but those around you. You have the ability to create endless abundance. So, claim what is rightfully yours and manifest the life of your dreams. Because if you can’t do it, who else will?

Read also:


Into the world of tarot: Experiencing a different form of spirituality

@jentheodore |

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