How to make the most of Oktoberfest 2019

by Andrei Carada / October 5, 2019


Beer is a great addition to any celebration.

It’s October and you know what that means. Oktoberfest! It’s beer-drinking time! 

Oktoberfest came about in Germany to celebrate the harvest season. Beer is a great addition to any celebration and the brewers would gladly set up tents for their brands. When it started, the brewers of beer were mostly monks living in cloisters and abbeys. These cloisters eventually became some of the most famous beer brands in the world like Paulaner and Weihenstephan. Now, the practice has spread all over the world and even here in the Philippines.

You have to be prepared if you want to celebrate Oktoberfest here in the Philippines. So here’s a handy guide to make the most of your Oktoberfest.


Beer is one of the oldest beverages in the world. That means every culture in the world has its version of beer and the vast multitude of choices can be overwhelming.

The basic characteristics you have to watch out for are hoppiness and alcohol content. Hoppiness is the presence of hops, a bitter herb that adds flavor and acts as a preservative for beer. If you don’t want a bitter beer, go for a beer with fewer hops. Alcohol content, on the other hand, just determines how drunk you want to get. If you want to get smashed, go for a beer with high alcohol content.

That being said, there are many varieties of beer you can choose from. Pilsen is the most common one you can find. It has a pale yellow color that has many varying flavors. Our very own San Miguel Beer is a Pale Pilsen. 

India Pale Ales or IPAs are beers that have a lot of hops. These can get very bitter but many people like that quality about it. Stouts are dark beers that have fuller flavors similar to chocolate or coffee. Malts, on the other hand, are sweeter varieties of beer.

Choose your beer of choice for Oktoberfest (or choose all of them, we won’t judge) and chug away.2. PRACTICE RESPONSIBLE DRINKING


That being said. Know your limits. Many people go into a wild frenzy when drinking and just can’t handle their alcohol. If you don’t think you can drink anymore, stop. Getting your stomach pumped because of alcohol poisoning is not the most fun thing in the world.

Also, that means that you don’t drink and drive. Not ever. The safe thing to do is find a reputable hotel near your Oktoberfest spot. Drink to your heart’s content and WALK back to your hotel. You’re here to have fun, not to die. Go with people you trust like your friends or family so that you don’t wake up in a ditch somewhere without your wallet and clothes.


In the Philippines, San Miguel is inescapable. You can find it in every restaurant and bar in the Philippines. If you haven’t tried it yet, it has a distinct nutty tone that people from all over the world know and love. 

The local craft beer scene is also very strong in the Philippines. One of the most well-known craft beers is Pedro with a wheat beer that has a light sweet flavor.

Katipunan Craft Beers also have a variety of beers like the Signal No. 1, a high alcohol stout that hits like a truck. Sikatuna Brewery has some of the best IPAs on the menu.


Oktoberfest is not only a time to try the best beers in the world, but it’s also a time to have fun with the people you love. Beer is a universal drink. Almost everyone can bond over a mug of beer. Just remember to stay in control and have a great time. 

What are your favorite beers? Tell us in the comments! 


How to make the most of Oktoberfest 2019

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