Couples need to work on these 14 things in order to have a healthy relationship

by EJ Cenita / February 14, 2019


Starting a relationship is always exciting and also you will enjoy it, but making a relationship last is hard work. Here are some points to keep in mind to make relationships last longer:

1.  Be your partner’s best friend. Relationships are not always about showing love to your partner. Sometimes, it is about showing your concern for your partner when he/she needs you the most. It is about being the best friend that he/she needs at that point in life. Always be there for your partner, through the good and bad times.

2. Build each other up. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses – encourage the strengths and talents, establish on that. Help each other to go through the storms in life. Stand together to lift each other up.

3. Always be grateful. A grateful partner always shows appreciation for the love and effort you put into the relationship. They appreciate everything you have done and still doing for them. When you are always thankful for the ones in your life, good things start happening to you. Always be grateful for your partner. It will keep them in the relationship.

4. Consistency is everything. No one wants to be in a toxic relationship who won’t find a way to keep the relationship alive, mentally and emotionally stable. Consistency makes the relationship steady and healthy. It gives you and your partner every reason to trust each others’ words and actions.

5. When you’re solving a problem, remember that it’s you and your partner working against the problem, not you against your companion.

6. Hold onto your self-preservation, no matter how in love you are. You may be in love, but don’t take it too far. Keep your eyes and ears open. Don’t forget about your past mistakes and experiences, because they could come back and bite you in the end.

7.  Always offer solutions, not criticisms. If there’s a problem that arises in your relationship, focus on offering advice that actually helps to solve the problem, and that doesn’t criticize them for what they have done, or what the situation is.

8. Be a great teammate. Being in a relationship is a two-person job. If you want your relationship to last, you cannot expect your partner to do all of the work. Support each other’s passion, compliment one another. Be proud of each other’s accomplishments. Trust and care for one another. Lift each other up. Support each other always. In this way, you will grow healthy together. It’s a two-way street, and if it’s only running one way, it’s not going to last.

9. Give each other space. Preserve a strong sense of self and keep up with the activities, hobbies, friendships, and network when you were single. Even though you’re in a relationship, you still have a personal life to live on. Giving each other space means respecting your partner as an individual, trusting him/her with all your heart and letting him/her grow individually and walk on the path he/she deserves. It ensures that you won’t get sick of one another and maintain individuality. And also, it means you will still have people to turn to, as you have not isolated yourself from the important people in your life.

10. Be a go-to partner. You should be the go-to person for your partner in all circumstances. If you cannot resolve the problem, you must at least create an atmosphere where he/she feels safe and secure. Sometimes, the storms in our lives and in relationships aren’t meant to pass through, we just need to wait for them to subside.

11. Always have conversations. Talk about things that bother you – your anxiety, your career plans, your interests, your family issues and your little pleasures in life. Be absolutely honest with each other. Never be afraid to communicate and show the “real” you. Success in any relationship requires effective and constant communication. For it’s the fuel that keeps the relationship engine healthy and working.

12. Woo your partner. Not only during the first phase of the relationship, but every time. Woo them as you are meeting them for the first time. This will give excitement and adds spark to the relationship. You are about to learn more things about your partner along the way. Enjoy each moment of the relationship. Always think why did you fell in love with that person and never take your partner for granted. Always respect his/her feelings. And never forget that your small gestures and effort will put a smile on his/her face.

13. Learn to accept yourself first. Love yourself. Be secure and amazing. Learn to let go of your insecurities. Learn to look for satisfaction in being yourself. Stop looking for validation. Never create unnecessary insecurities in your mind and torture yourself, and your partner. Know that your partner loves you for what you bring in his/her life. If you want to have an amazing relationship, bring something to the table for your partner – something positive, for yourself and for the relationship.

14. Give your all. When you are at it, put your full commitment. No holds barred. Express yourself fully, no words left unsaid. Be the best version you can be and bring out the best from the other one.


Couples need to work on these 14 things in order to have a healthy relationship

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