Climate Change and Earth Day 2022: Here’s how can you help

by Excel V. Dyquiangco / April 22, 2022


If there is one positive impact that the COVID pandemic and the ensuing restrictions on travel brought to the world, it is reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This abrupt shift provided scientists with an unparalleled glimpse of data that would have taken years to accomplish under normal circumstances.

But now that the economies are opening up again, everything seems back to normal. More and more cars are on the road, industries such as manufacturing have started to operate, and commercial buildings are now in full bloom. 

In celebration of Earth Day this April 22, 2022, let us join together in helping save lives by helping limit climate change. We can make a difference in everything we do – from how we travel to how much power we use and what we eat.

Here are six ways to help tackle the climate crisis. 

Save energy at home.

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Image Source: Unsplash

Coal, oil, and gas provide a significant portion of our electricity and heat. To save on these elements, make sure that you always switch off the lights or remove switches while leaving a room. This not only helps you in reducing carbon emission and other harmful greenhouse gases but you may save a significant amount of money on your monthly power bills.

In addition, since dryers and refrigerators are two of the most energy-intensive appliances in the house, you can replace them with more energy-efficient ones – which may reduce your power costs by half. In general, servicing and upgrading appliances every few years will reduce the amount of energy they consume.

Grow your own fruits and vegetables.

Pesticides, packaging, preservatives, transportation fuel, and cold-chain storage are all eliminated when you grow your own food. Fruits, vegetables, and herbs in their natural state are the most nutrient-dense. They’re strong in vitamins that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and they’re inexpensive.

To make this more engaging, you can collaborate with your neighbors and friends to create a communal garden. Grow fruits and veggies in your backyard, on your balcony, or on the window ledge.

Take public transportation – as much as possible.

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Image Source: Unsplash

Because it minimizes the number of individuals driving single-occupancy cars, public transit is naturally environmentally friendly. More fuel is saved, air pollution is lessened, and the region’s carbon footprint is lowered by boosting public transportation utilization. Cleaner air helps the entire region, not just individuals who use it, as a result of higher public transit utilization.

For those who would like to travel by air, it is highly suggested that you don’t do it as often. Airplanes use a lot of fossil fuels, which result in a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, taking fewer flights is one of the quickest methods to lessen your carbon footprint. When possible, meet remotely, take the train, or forgo the long-distance travel entirely.

Throw away less food.

Throwing food away wastes the resources and energy that went into growing, producing, packaging, and transporting it. When food rots in a landfill, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. 

To help reduce food wastes, plan ahead and buy only the food you know you’ll eat. Make the most of every edible component of the meals you buy. Before preparing rice or other essentials, measure portion amounts, store food properly (using your freezer if you have one), be creative with leftovers, and share extras with friends and neighbors. Finally, utilize inedible scraps to generate compost, which you may use to fertilize your garden.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair

From the mining of raw materials through manufacturing and delivering things to market, the electronics, clothing, and other commodities we buy emit carbon emissions. 

One way to do this is that disposable items such as paper cups, lighters, paper cups, and plastics should be avoided at all costs. Throwing these things away causes further complications and necessitates their replacement on a regular basis. Once these items are disposed of in landfills, there is a chance that they will serve as disease breeding grounds. Furthermore, once these materials are consumed, they must be replaced on a regular basis, which is highly expensive.

For another, when shopping for groceries, use cloth bags or re-use supermarket bags. Only use a grocery store bag if it’s really necessary.

Choose eco-friendly products.

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Image Source: Unsplash

Everything we spend money on has an impact on the environment. You have the ability to select which products and services you wish to support. Some benefits of buying eco-friendly products include: They can be recycled and used as compost, they don’t have any harmful pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides, and that they help in reducing plastic wastes. 

To start, you can buy local and seasonal foods to lessen your environmental effect, and purchase items from small businesses who use resources ethically and are dedicated to reducing their gas emissions and waste.

Speak up. 

Speak up and encourage others to do the same, one of the most efficient and effective methods to create an impact. It’s not simply about talking to the decision-makers. Encourage your friends, neighbors, and coworkers to make positive changes as well. Tell everyone what you’re thinking, and make your voice heard.

In the time of social media, this is not impossible. So use your influence, share your thoughts on these social networking sites, and who knows, your post might go viral.

It is not too late to help Mother Earth. As long as we still live and breathe here on this planet, let us make every ounce of effort to protect it, care for it, and nurture it. After all,  we have benefited much from this world – it is high time that we give back. 

Read also


Climate Change and Earth Day 2022: Here’s how can you help

Image source: Unsplash

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