Beginners’ Guide To Bullet Journaling

by Clary Camazuela / July 10, 2019


It’s a journal, and a to-do list, and a diary, and more!

What is a Bullet Journal?

Why have a planner, a to-do list and a diary separately? A bullet journal (or BuJo for short) can be all of these in one notebook! With a bullet journal, you can organize and keep track of your plans, activities, and more! A bullet journal can help you improve your health and well-being as you keep track of fitness goals, while at the same time serving as an outlet for your creative juices.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a working adult or a student. Bullet journaling is for anyone who wants more order and organization in their lives. 

So what’s stopping you? 

Here’s how you can start your own bullet journal:

1. Plan ahead

Photo: Atheera Dayana

Decide on the content of your bullet journal. Start with an index, which is like a book’s table of contents, and a key, which is the summary of all the symbols and colors you’ll use to track your activities. Next come the essentials: a monthly calendar and a daily log or a to-do list. Lastly, decide what kind of trackers you want to add to your monthly spread. It could be a list of books to read or your moods for the day. Whatever you decide, you can have different trackers for every month.

Here are a few ideas for your monthly trackers:

  • TV series/movies to watch
  • Weekly expenses
  • Exercise hours
  • Sleep tracker
  • Coffee intake

Tip: Don’t do everything at once! Go slow and stick with one tracker a month, to allow yourself to adjust to bullet journaling.

2. Prepare your journaling tools

If you’re already a notebook hoarder, then you’re off to a good start. You can start with any notebook that you already have. Dotted notebooks are perfect for bullet journaling, but you can also go with blank pages or grids. Bullet journaling is about personalizing, after all! You’re going to need a variety of colored pens and highlighters, so you can color code and design your bullet journal. Sticky notes will come in handy too. If you’re feeling a bit extra, washi tapes would make a cute addition to your journal as well. 

3. Decorate your BuJo

Whether you go online to find inspiration or you come up with your own design, decorating your bullet journal is the best part–and also the most therapeutic. For beginners, you can go with minimalist layouts and add more elements as you go on. But if you’re up for the challenge, you can have a different color palette and theme for your monthly spreads. Also, don’t be afraid to make a mess out of your journal: you can always cover up your mistakes with a washi tape or a cute doodle!

Tip: You can use recycled materials such as old newspapers and magazines, movie tickets, and pressed flowers for that vintage aesthetic.

4. Update and enjoy!

Set aside time to update your journal. Following a schedule increases your productivity, so make sure you commit to your bullet journal. Cross off things you’ve finished in your to-do list, fulfill your trackers, and write down your thoughts and experiences for the day. Try to make this a daily habit. Try to make time to plan and design your journal for the upcoming months. You can also do research or learn something new, learning calligraphy, so you can add more designs. There’s always a feeling of satisfaction when you get work done! 

Over time, you’ll find that you aren’t just having fun expressing yourself and enjoying the art of bullet journaling. You’re also teaching yourself discipline and organization. Bullet journaling can help you have a healthier and more orderly lifestyle. 

Got any bullet journal ideas you want to share? Let us know in the comments below! 


Beginners’ Guide To Bullet Journaling

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