BARMM adopts Make It Happen campaign to attract investors

June 23, 2022


The Bangsamoro Region underwent training on the development of an Investment Marketing and Communication Plan and is now adopting the Make It Happen in the Philippines (MIH) campaign brand for the region’s overall branding, including its investment promotion activities. 

The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao-Ministry of Trade, Investments, and Tourism (BARMM-MTIT) attended the three-day training earlier this month. It was conducted by the Philippine Board of Investments (BOI), the country’s lead industry and investments promotion agency.

BOI Executive Director Maria Veronica Magsino said that the training was proof of a strong partnership between the national and BARMM governments towards harmonizing the campaign brand of the Philippines.

“This endeavor is not new to us, since for the past years, we have been encouraging government agencies and the private sector to use MIH as the country’s new investment promotion campaign brand, in their respective investment promotion activities and information materials,” Executive Director Magsino said.

Image source: Philippine Board of Investments
The BOI Communications Team with BARMM-MTIT Director Shamera Abobakar, joined by the rest of the training participants.

The workshop covered various topics, namely an overview of the MIH brand campaign; the basics of formulating a marketing and communications plan, and the development of information materials and utilization of promotional tools such as Canva and Hubspot.

Launched in November, 2020, the MIH campaign was part of the country’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery strategy to attract investors in the Philippines. BARMM will use Make It Happen in the Philippines – Choose Bangsamoro as its regional brand and will be broken down into four sub-brandings.

These are (1) location branding highlighting the region’s tourism and investment opportunities; (2) product branding showcasing the region as a global Halal hub and the products that it can potentially market and carve a niche in the international marketplace; (3) people and culture branding underscoring the region, its people and rich culture including; and (4) political branding featuring Bangsamoro’s reformed, peace-loving, adhering to moral governance region, and a united region speaking in one voice.

“We must communicate to the world the potential of the Bangsamoro region as an investment destination of choice, especially with the improvements in the region,” MTIT Director-General Rosslaini J. Alonto-Sinarimbo said. “It’s our chance to put our region forward,” she added, as the training program serves as a take-off point in formulating BARMM’s Investment Marketing and Communication Plan to fully promote the region as a potential investment destination for domestic and foreign investors. 

Aligned with the national investment promotions campaign, the proposed marketing communication plan will then be finalized by BARMM-MTIT with the guidance of the Philippine BOI.  The output will serve as the Bangsamoro region’s blueprint for communicating to its target audiences and stakeholders. 

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BARMM adopts Make It Happen campaign to attract investors

Image source: Philippine Board of Investments

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