How To Not Fall Asleep in the Office

by Pauleen C. Valdez / May 30, 2019


It’s happened to everyone at least once. Maybe you stayed up binge-watching a new show on Netflix. Maybe you pulled an all-nighter. Whatever it is, the struggle is real, especially when you’re staring at your screen all day, attempting to stay awake at the office.  

Here are some tips to keep your eyes wide open at the workplace.

Listen to upbeat music.

Music sets the mood and has the power to make you make you feel happy one minute, and then sad the next. Music can hit you right in the feels and pump you up to take the day on. But most importantly, music can keep your mind active and awake. In fact, scientific research has shown that fast-tempo songs that are around 120-140 BPM get your body more ready for physical activity. In other words, listen to upbeat tunes, like a killer EDM track or a head-banging rock song.

Chew some gum!

Chewing gum won’t just give you that extra kick of sugar, but it can also make you more alert. The act of chewing requires you to move your mouth a lot. Activating those facial muscles gives you brain some mental activity and it also increases the blood flow to the head, which, in turn, gives you more energy.

Look at memes.

One of the best ways to keep yourself awake is entertainment. Find something that will get you laughing. You can watch funny videos or scroll social media for some dank memes.

Eat something spicy.

Eating spicy food elevates your body temperature, causing you to be awake and active. It’s speculated that capsaicin, an active component found in chili peppers, affects sleep by altering body temperature. A spicy breakfast will give you the kick to get the day started: the heat triggers adrenaline to get your body moving.

Ask your officemate to slap you.

It might feel awkward, but you can try asking someone to slap you. This will definitely wake you up and raise your, but if you don’t have anyone willing to slap you – lucky you! – you can always slap yourself instead.

Take a walk… or run.

Stretch those legs! Brisk walking around the office gets your body to pump some oxygen through your veins and muscles.

Drink water. A LOT.

Another way is to drink water—a lot of it. Dehydration leads to fatigue, which robs you of energy. Your body depends on water to function properly. Research says that 1% dehydration negatively affects your mood, memory, and motor coordination as the brain tissue fluid decreases. This is why you need water to keep your body healthy and hydrated.

Do jumping jacks in the bathroom.

If none of the above worked for you, maybe jumping jacks might help! Exercising boosts energy and it increases heart rate which results in more blood pumping in your brain.

Or just give up and nap.

Sometimes, there’s just no helping it. Resting your eyes a bit might recharge you and relieve that foggy feeling.


How To Not Fall Asleep in the Office

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