How to spot if your bae is actually a Filipino mythical creature

by Althea Kalalo / October 30, 2020


Halloween is here, and it’s the time of the year when you can get as spooky and mischievous as you want! Even though the ongoing health crisis prevents the usual Halloween parties and trick-or-treating, there are still some fun activities you can do to celebrate like having an online murder mystery party or dressing up your place in ghastly decor. However, one of the scariest things you can do this Halloween (and probably even throughout this whole quarantine) is to try your luck at online dating.

There’s always that risk that the person you meet online isn’t really who they say they are, or in this case, what they say they are. Ever wondered about whether or not your bae is actually a Filipino mythical creature? Probably not, but we have.

We’ve rounded up our favorite Filipino mythical creatures and listed down characteristics you should be on the lookout for to know if they’re human, or if they’re something more supernatural. Start the #spookyszn with some good-natured fun and read on to know if the person you’re dating may actually be a different creature:

White Lady

The white lady is described as, you guessed it, a beautiful woman wearing a long, white dress. The most famous white lady sightings are along Balete Drive in Quezon City, and legend says that she usually tries to catch a ride with unsuspecting drivers at night. If she gets to ride with you, chances are she’ll disappear just as quickly as she appeared.

There’s something so captivating about her mysterious vibe!
There’s something so captivating about her mysterious vibe!

She might be a white lady if she…

  • Is the shy (maybe even pabebe) type
  • Has dark, long hair
  • Loves white clothes (borderline only wears white clothes)
  • Isn’t afraid of hitchhiking

Ideal first date: A romantic walk along Balete drive


Kapres are known to be giant, human-like creatures that reside atop large trees. They love smoking cigars, meaning you would usually know they’re around once you get a whiff of tobacco. The most popular kapre in the country is ‘Mr. Brown,’ who is said to be a resident of the Balete tree in front of the Malacañang Palace.

Not sure if anything can make them stop smoking, to be honest.
Not sure if anything can make them stop smoking, to be honest.

He might be a Kapre if he…

  • Is tall, dark, and…hairy
  • Is a man of few words
  • Smokes or vapes a lot
  • Has superhuman physical strength

Ideal first date: Chilling in his very own treehouse (or if you’re adventurous enough, just a tree maybe?)


The manananggal may be a beautiful woman in the daytime, but she is a vicious creature who feeds on unborn children at night. The manananggal severs her upper torso from her lower body, and flies around looking for pregnant women to prey on. If you ever come across her lower body, sprinkling salt on it will prevent her from rejoining the two halves of her body, which will eventually kill her.

Have you ever noticed that strange ‘tattoo’ on her belly?
Have you ever noticed that strange ‘tattoo’ on her belly?

She might be a manananggal if she…

  • (Literally) splits herself into two just to be with you
  • Is extra friendly with children and pregnant women
  • Is not a morning person
  • Is allergic to garlic, vinegar, and salt

Ideal first date: A rooftop bar and restaurant with an exceptional view


One of the more mischievous creatures in Philippine mythology is the tikbalang, who has the head of a horse and the body of a man. The tikbalang is said to cause travelers to get lost and traverse the same path over and over again. The only way to stop this? Play his little game and turn your shirt inside-out.

Don’t be surprised if he takes your love as a joke. Huhu.
Don’t be surprised if he takes your love as a joke. Huhu.

He might be a tikbalang if he…

  • Is tall and lanky
  • Loves traveling
  • Likes horsing around and playing games (with your feelings huhu)
  • Makes you feel lost in the relationship

Ideal first date: Camping deep in the woods


The diwata is the Filipino counterpart of a fairy. She is a kind, beautiful creature who resides in the forest, and protects all life in it. Although usually harmless, Diwatas may resort to punishing those who are cruel to the environment or to other living creatures. They also have the power to control natural disasters, such as earthquakes and storms.

The cutest, kindest creature out there!
The cutest, kindest creature out there!

She might be a diwata if she…

  • Is a goddess of beauty
  • Is 100% an environmentalist
  • Loves outdoor activities
  • Stays baby-faced through the years #SanaAll

Ideal first date: Hiking at Mount Makiling


A nuno, which means ancestor is Filipino, is a small, old man who lives in anthills. They’re around the height of a toddler, and have long, flowy beards. Anyone who disturbs a nuno’s dwelling place may face some serious illnesses, so you best believe that saying ‘tabi tabi po’ as you walk through a grassy field is the way to go.

Small but powerful. Make sure not to disturb his home or else...
Small but powerful. Make sure not to disturb his home or else…

He might be a nuno if he…

  • Has a really nice beard
  • Is way older than you
  • Is very protective of his home
  • Is short (but still a king nonetheless)

Ideal first date: A quaint, secluded nature resort


The tiyanak is one of the most innocent-looking creatures in Philippine mythology, and that’s because they disguise themselves as infants crying for help. Also known as ‘demon babies,’ these deceptive creatures lure victims with their cries, only revealing their true form once they attack. Tiyanaks are also known to have incredible strength, especially for their size.

Don’t fall for the tiyanak’s crocodile tears!
Don’t fall for the tiyanak’s crocodile tears!

He/she might be a tiyanak if he/she…

  • Is the baby in the relationship
  • Cries during arguments
  • Has a tough, feisty side
  • Lowkey strong

Ideal first date: Late night stargazing on a remote field


A mangkukulam is the Philippine counterpart of a witch who performs acts of sorcery and black magic, usually as a means for revenge. Mangkukulams also have the ability to create gayuma or ‘love potions,’ so they’re the go-to if ever you need some help turning your crush into your forever bae (kidding, don’t do that!).

She has a doll that looks EXACTLY like you...
She has a doll that looks EXACTLY like you…

She might be a mangkukulam if she…

  • Makes you fall in love with them everyday #GayumaQueen
  • Loves making dolls that look exactly like you
  • Has a job involving a bunch of herbs and spices (KFC won’t even stand a chance)
  • Collects strands of your hair “in case you hurt her in the future”

Ideal first date: Making herbal medicine in a cozy cottage

Now that you’ve gone through our list, are you suddenly having second thoughts? Well, at least you have a little guide to spot if your bae is a real person or a creature of the night. Whether or not any of these characteristics ring true for your significant other, we hope that you’re celebrating Halloween the fun, spooky way (dressing up for the occasion, eating lots of treats, and having virtual get-togethers) and not the truly frightening way (ghosting people, playing mean tricks, and forgetting about social distancing to celebrate). Have a terrific, safe, and scary-good Halloween!

Cover photo and illustrations by Zeke Rifareal

Read also:


How to spot if your bae is actually a Filipino mythical creature

Artist: Zeke Rifareal (

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