Remembering the dearly departed in the now normal

by Elton Gagni / October 27, 2020


All Souls’ Day or Undas has always been a time for Filipinos to come together and remember their loved ones who have already passed on. Many even leave the city and travel to their own provinces just to celebrate their memories while bonding and catching up with the rest of the family. However this year, Filipinos are forced to remember their dearly departed from a distance because of the ongoing pandemic.

The government has announced that cemeteries, memorial parks, and columbariums will be temporarily closed from October 29, 2020 to November 4, 2020. As Filipinos have been using this special holiday to spend nights at the cemetery, they may have to refrain this 2020 as authorities prohibit mass gatherings and limit capacity to ensure everyone’s safety from COVID-19.

Family members who are still alive and well need not fret and be afraid that the dead may haunt them. The public still has a chance to visit cemeteries, memorial parks, and columbariums, from September 17, 2020 to November 15, 2020, except for the aforementioned dates.

Filipinos will be allowed to visit and pay their respects, provided that these establishments only accommodate visitors up to a maximum capacity of 30 percent. Those who will be visiting must wear face masks and face shields.

Important Dates to Remember:

October 28, 2020 – Last day for people to visit the cemetery and memorial parks.

October 29 to November 4, 2020 – Cemeteries, memorial parks, and columbariums are closed.

November 5, 2020 – Cemeteries, memorial parks, and columbariums are open again for visits.

While we may not be physically present in the resting place of our loved ones, we can still remember them and pay our respects from a safe distance as we navigate through the now normal.

Read also:


Remembering the dearly departed in the now normal

Image Source: GMA News Online

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