5 New Year Resolutions To Keep This 2018

by Aaron Tom Silvestre / January 9, 2018


It’s 2018 and people are all fussing about their new year’s resolution! But how do we keep the ones we usually start? How or where do we even start? Whatever it may be we’ve got a couple of things that can help you with your new year’s resolution! These are the 5 most promised resolution and how you can keep them!


Yes! Well all start with this one, we say things like “This 2018 I will lose this amount of lbs!” and that’s a good start. But most of the people only start going to the gym in January and don’t continue or follow through two or three months after. But how do we really start getting fit or git things going? When signing up for a gym membership is not enough you have to look into other methods. Here’s what you can do:

–  Set your doable goals – it’s all about setting goals and making it personal. Set realistic goals that you can see everyday so you can be constantly reminded that you have to achieve your resolution. Make a calendar and set a timeline on when are you gonna work out, and set alarms to remind you it’s time to work out.

– Start at home – Download fitness apps that can help you work at home! You can get it for free and you can customize routines that would best suit your current condition. You can also use these as a jump off point to a higher intensity workout routine.

– Sign up to a specialty gym – Introduce yourself to different types of fitness exercises like, cross fit, boxing, and hit circuit training gyms. This way you can avoid getting bored with the usual treadmills and barbells.

– Don’t stop, make it a lifestyle – This is something that can benefit you in the long run and staying fit is something we should all aspire for!


Now you want to eat better, avoid all those junk food, and do away with fast food as much as you can. If you’re working or going to school you might find this a bit of a challenge but there are some ways that can help you start things up, and here they are.

– Pre-planned delivery meals – if you don’t have time to prepare a good scrumptious and healthy let the meal plan providers like Delicious Diet do it for you. They have everything covered for your meal per day, from your breakfast to, lunch and even snack! It isn’t hard to look for one near where you are.

– Pre packing – If you can cook or have someone to cook for you,  what you can do is plan out your meal and pack them accordingly. Here’s a good video on how you can do it.

– Avoid extra sugar – Yes! We all know that excess sugar is the enemy! Sodas especially contain a large amount of sugar. If they are not burnt within our body activity they turn into unhealthy fat that end up getting stored in our bellier thus creating belly rolls! This year let’s try minimize our sugar intake!

– Make a list of food that you should avoid – Thank fully there are apps that can help you determine the nutrition content of a certain meal. This way it’ll be more easier for you to keep track of what we eat, and food high in sugar.

Drink Less

How do we take our healthy lifestyle a notch? By drinking less of course! It’s okay to party hard but let’s not make it a habit, we all know too much alcohol is bad for our liver and over all health. Go out for coffee dates instead or if it can’t be avoided (meetings, family reunion, etc.) have only little to drink. Just turn on your “pretend drunk” look to avoid getting those shots (wink wink*).


Yes, we all dream of traveling the world and seeing its wonder, but we tend to make excuses on why we can’t do it, whether it’s financial issues or having little or no time at all. Take a leap of fate and book that flight! Commit to it, book it, and make plans immediately after it. Your first trip doesn’t have to be somewhere really far or out of the country, perhaps you can start with Calaguas beach!

Moving On From That Ex of Yours

Yes, it’s time to move on. Lets leave the memories of our ex lovers to 2017 along with all the emotional baggage we feel or felt because of that bad break up. How do you move on, you ask? It’s not simple but you can do it as long you set your mind into it. Start with admitting you’re not okay and accepting the situation, then eventually letting go of all the bitterness you feel. Let 2018 be a beginning to a new chapter in your life!

Share this to a friend who could use some help with their resolutions!


5 New Year Resolutions To Keep This 2018

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